Press Release


Brussels, 4th December 2024


FEPORT applauds to Greece’s commitment to undertake the necessary changes in its tonnage tax scheme opening a new “era of compliance” and EU enforcement on tonnage tax  

On December 4th, 2024, FEPORT members gathered in Brussels for the General Assembly meeting of the organization.

FEPORT takes note of the recent announcement by the Commission to formally record the acceptance of the proposed appropriate measures by Greece in order to modify its tonnage tax scheme following FEPORT action for failure to act before the General Court of the European Union in Case T-17/23.

FEPORT is also awaiting the publication of the Commission’s formal decision in order to analyze the extent to which the appropriate measures will make it possible to resolve all competition issues in relation to the Greek tonnage tax scheme, notably the exclusion of port services, and the timeframe within which Greece must implement these – long awaited - measures.

We can nevertheless applaud to Greece’s commitment to undertake the necessary changes in its tonnage tax scheme, which is a positive step in the restoration of a real level playing field in the maritime logistics chain. We hope that this Decision will pave the way to changes in the schemes of other EU-Member States where tonnage tax schemes must also be made compliant with EU Law, notably by ensuring that cargo handling operations are covered by a minimum effective tax rate according to OECD Pillar 2 agreement as transposed by Directive (2022/2523).

“We hope that the time of legislation through individual tonnage tax decisions and laxity will definitively stop as it has been a source of distortion of competition within the maritime logistics chain across the EU.  We need a clear, fair and robust EU framework that supports the competitiveness of all industries part of the supply chain” says FEPORT President, Mr Gunther Bonz.

“FEPORT members look forward to starting a constructive dialogue with Vice President Ribera, whom we congratulate for her appointment, regarding the commitments taken by Greece to be in compliance with EU Law and BEPS Pillar 2 provisions” adds Mr Bonz.

During the General Assembly, FEPORT members re-elected Mr Gunther Bonz as Chairman of FEPORT and extensively discussed the current geopolitical context as well as all topics regarding port competitiveness. EU ports will need major investments to adapt to climate change and become hubs of energy for the EU. They will need to be better valued for the role they play as fortresses of the EU territory. Lessons regarding the impact of ETS on EU ports should be learnt and no legislative proposals should be proposed without a real 360° impact assessment.

Awareness about the role of ports after COVID 19 generated a lot of hope from port stakeholders but four years later, it is a bit worrying to see that ports are portrayed as areas of vulnerabilities of the EU. It is important that the EU adopts strong measures that limit the overreliance of the EU on non-EU products and platforms, but the strategy should not be only defensive. And more importantly, it should focus on the whole maritime logistics chain if not on all the supply chain. Only a holistic approach will allow us to have real alternatives (equipment, ships, software, energy, batteries, machinery, trucks etc..). Hence the importance of an industrial maritime strategy that encompasses all segments of the maritime logistics chain including ports” comments FEPORT President.

“Similarly, drugs are not produced in EU ports. They are brought to and transiting via EU ports. The fight is therefore also upstream and downstream ports. We need a Supply Chain Alliance against Drugs. FEPORT looks forward to working in a constructive manner on the above-mentioned topics with Commissioners Tzitzikostas and Brunner, whom we congratulate for their appointment,” concludes Mr Bonz.


For more information, please contact:

Ms. Lamia Kerdjoudj, Secretary General of FEPORT

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


Press Release