FEPORT Eighth Stakeholders’ Conference: 9th April 2025

Ports Ahead: Navigating the future EU Maritime Industrial Strategy




Dear colleagues, guests, and friends,

The EU’s maritime cluster plays a critical role in global competition on digital dominance and decarbonization. While the EU is not as prominent as the U.S. in digital technologies or as aggressive as China in renewable energy production, it is crucial that future EU support measures scale up in driving sustainability and innovation in the maritime sector.

The EU maritime cluster encompasses shipbuilding, shipping, ports, marine technology, and blue economy sectors. The EU is home to some of the world's leading shipping companies, innovative shipbuilders, and advanced port superstructures operated by competitive world class players.

However, Asian shipyards, particularly in South Korea and China, dominate commercial shipbuilding, making it hard for EU yards to compete on cost. High costs of alternative fuels and retrofitting vessels also pose barriers to rapid decarbonization. Some lessons are to be learnt, and strong measures to support the competitiveness of the entire maritime sector must become a priority.

The way in which European policymakers look at the value of the maritime ecosystem must evolve as all industries that are part of the cluster play a decisive role and are totally interdependent.

During the eighth FEPORT Stakeholders Conference, we will, among others, discuss the competitiveness of the maritime and port sectors, trade policies that are required to give access to markets in the EU and outside the EU for all players; and how reciprocity can rebalance our relationship with our competitors.

The EU should not be defensive and protectionist but offensive and assertive.

The FEPORT event aims to be a moment where we will discuss about our strengths instead on focusing on our fears and weaknesses.

In many respects, the EU maritime sector embodies the challenges faced by many industries in the EU. We are clearly confronted with the war for dominance between the US, China but not only. The geopolitical landscape is significantly changing, and the new world will emerge after many chaotic jolts.

How can we find our way?

Can the maritime cluster serve as a successful pilot of a new policy that allows to de-risk from countries like the US and China while avoiding to de-couple and help us to maximise the (economic) benefits of foreign investments for instance in the EU port sector?

Partnering with U.S. tech companies or leveraging Chinese manufacturing capabilities could accelerate progress but what should be the terms of non naive partnerships with third countries?

Are FDI screening mechanisms efficient? What will the revised FDI Screening Regulation bring more?

Does it make sense, or can we still repatriate all heavy industries to the EU or should we focus on cutting edge technologies, software and high added value products?

What should the EU do in terms of investments, on digitalization, on Regulation and harmonization (FDI, Climate, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Defence, Fight against Drugs etc..), on Public-Private partnerships to scale innovation?

Which convergence and consistency between transport, trade, growth, climate, competition, research and innovation, international partnerships, environment policies and measures etc.. are needed for a strong maritime cluster including the robust spearhead-locomotives that ports are?

We are looking forward to having an interesting conversation with our high-profile speakers and guests on how the EU can be more offensive and assertive towards its competitors.

You can already register by following this link and you will receive a confirmation.

Please do proceed with the registration at your earliest convenience as the number of seats is limited.

The conference will start at 9:30 am and conclude at 16:30 pm. It will include opening address followed by three moderated sessions and exchanges with audience. 

We look forward to welcoming you on April 9th, 2025.

The FEPORT team





Opening session: 9:30 am – 10:30 am 

Opening session: The role of the maritime cluster for EU strategic autonomy and economic growth

Opening words: Mr Gunther Bonz – President of FEPORT

Keynote address: Captain Kurt Engelen, Director of the Centre for Security and Defence Studies (CSDS) at the Royal Higher Institute for Defence and former Staff Officer at the Belgian Permanent Representation to the NATO Military Committee


First session: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm 

Session 1: In a context of geopolitical tensions, US digital dominance and China’s competition on energy and decarbonisation, how can the EU enhance its resilience and competitiveness ?

Keynote speeches:

Mr Olaf Merk, Senior Advisor to the Secretary-General, ITF/OECD.

Mr Remi Mayet, Deputy Head of Unit, Security of Supply - Directorate General for Energy

Moderator: Mr Indra Vonck, Partner MBTS

Panel discussion:

Mr Mihai Sebastian Chihaia, Policy Analyst at European Policy Centre

Mr Florent Herlitz, FDI screening case handler, DG Trade

Mr Wojciech Szymulewicz, Chief Executive Officer, President of Management Board at Baltic Container Terminal – ICTSI

Mr Martin Seidel, Advisor to the European Coordinator for the European Maritime Space – DG MOVE


Standing lunch: 12:00 pm – 13:00 pm


Second session: 13:15 pm – 14:30 pm

Session 2: Current challenges faced by maritime Clusters

Keynote speeches:

Mr Philippe Berterottière - Chief Executive Officer of GTT et President of the Strategic Cluster of the French Maritime Industries

Mr Neil Dalus, Risk Assessment Manager at TT Club

Moderator: Mr Johannes Berg, Director Corporate Affairs - HHLA

Panel discussion:

Mr Luis Núñez Vera - Head of Strategy and European Affairs - Algeciras Bay Port Authority

Mr Geraint Evans – CEO - UK Major Ports

Mr Sergio Oliete Josa, Head of Unit – DG International Partnerships

Mr Guillermo Belcastro – CEO – BEST Terminal HPH


Coffee Break


Third session: 14:45 pm – 16:00 pm

Session 3: Which strategies for a competitive and resilient EU maritime cluster?

Keynote speeches:

Mr Torsten Klimke – Head of the Port Unit - DG MOVE

Mr Christian Blauert - Global Director - Port and Terminal Development - Moffatt & Nichol

Moderator: Ms Lamia Kerdjoudj, FEPORT Secretary General 

Panel discussion:

TRAN Committee MEP Merja Kyllonen

Mr Richard Ferrer - Head of Alternative Fuels Sector - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)

Mr Eric Ten Bos - Global Lead OT/IIoT cybersecurity – Thales Group

Mr Josef Maurer, Head of Maritime and Operations · European Transport Workers' Federation

Mr Torben Seebold, Chief Human Resources Officer and Member of the Management Board - HHLA


16:05 pm- 16:30 pm

Closing speeches

Transport Commissioner, Mr Apostolos Tzizikostas

Mr Gunther Bonz – President of FEPORT