05 April 2024
The TEN-T Coordinators’ Position Paper entitled “Connecting Europe: A transport funding and financing that is adapted to the challenges ahead”, published at the beginning of April, emphasises the importance of the TEN-T network, which serves as the backbone of the Single Market. It facilitates seamless movement of people and goods and underscores the necessity of a resilient transport sector with robust infrastructure for shaping a sustainable, smart, and competitive Europe.
Recommendations outlined in the position paper include focusing investments on cross-border projects to create a unified network, particularly emphasising future military mobility corridors for enhanced resilience. Infrastructure must also adapt to climate challenges and support market dynamics.
The position paper also advocates for a strengthened EU funding programme, with clear focus and project-based selection. It should work in tandem with other funding instruments like Cohesion Policy Instruments and the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Regulatory reforms should foster competition and facilitate market entry.
Moreover, the paper suggests that public authorities should intervene financially to advance transport projects, targeting essential areas while avoiding market distortions. Innovative approaches should leverage private investments, and harmonisation of standards is crucial for efficiency.
Furthermore, the position paper recommends offering legal certainty to investors, incentivising private investments through grants or guarantees, and directing private finance to accelerate green transition for transport. Exploring additional EU revenue sources and simplifying funding conditionalities are also suggested.
In this regard, the successor of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) should prioritise cross-border projects and military mobility, operating under similar principles as the current CEF.
Additionally, it suggests expanding performance-based funding approaches, especially for national transport investments and climate resilience. De-risking and leveraging private investments through instruments like Invest EU are emphasised. Finally, the Commission should provide long-term legal and funding certainty to aid planning and alignment with EU priorities.
You can access the full document here.