2 July 2024


On the 2nd of July, the European Commission endorsed its positive preliminary assessment of 53 targets and milestones connected to Italy’s fifth payment request of EUR 11 billion under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

The fifth payment request features 14 reforms and 22 investments in areas such as competition law, public procurement, waste and water management, justice and education.

The milestones attached to the fifth payment request were, in May 2024, increased to 54. However, at this stage, the Commission is not in a position to assess one of the targets related to the reform of Italy’s public procurement framework. As additional clarification of the target is needed, Italy intends to submit a reasoned request to amend it, ensuring that the ambition and policy objectives of the measure is maintained.

The European Commission has sent its positive preliminary assessment of the milestones and targets that it considers Italy has fulfilled to the Economic and Financial Committee, which will have four weeks to deliver its opinion, after which the EUR 11 billion linked to the payment request will be disbursed.

More information on the Italian Recovery and Resilience plans can be found here.

Source: European Commission