Brussels, 14 December 2021

On the 14th of December, the Commission adopted a legislative proposal for the revision of Regulation (EU) 1315/2013 – Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) with the aim of modernizing the EU’s transport system by increasing connectivity and shifting more freight to rail and inland waterways, supporting the roll-out of charging points, alternative refueling infrastructure, and new digital technologies.

The TEN-T revision thus aims at reaching four main objectives:

  1. Make transport greener by providing the appropriate infrastructure.
  2. Facilitate seamless and efficient transport, fostering multimodality and interoperability, removing bottlenecks and missing links.
  3. Increase the resilience of the TEN-T network to climate change and other natural hazards or human-made disasters.
  4. Improve the efficiency of the TEN-T governance tools.

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FEPORT congratulates the EU Commission for the revised version which pays attention to several topics brought up by FEPORT during the Consultation exercise.

Moreover, the text also recognizes the fundamental role that maritime ports play as cross-border multimodal nodes, serving not only as transport hubs, but also as gateways for trade, industrial clusters and energy hubs, for example with regards to the deployment of off-shore wind installations. The proposal also acknowledges that short sea shipping can make a substantial contribution to the decarbonization of transport by carrying more freight and passengers.

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Regarding the maritime sector, Section 3 enumerates the conditions for maritime ports to be part of the comprehensive network and the infrastructure requirements for both the core and comprehensive network.

Concerning the infrastructure requirements for the core network, Member States shall ensure that the maritime transport infrastructure of the core network complies with and meets the requirements set out in Article 25(2) by 31 December 2030.

Concerning the infrastructure requirements for the comprehensive network, Member States shall ensure that:

  1. Alternative fuels infrastructure is deployed in maritime ports of the comprehensive network in full compliance with the requirements of the AFI Regulation.
  2. Maritime ports of the comprehensive network are equipped with the necessary infrastructure to improve the environmental performance of ships in ports, […].
  3. VTMIS and SafeSeaNet are implemented in accordance with Directive 2002/59/EC.
  4. Maritime national single windows are implemented in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2019/1239.

Member States shall ensure that, by 31 December 2050:

  1. Maritime ports of the comprehensive network will be connected with the rail and road infrastructure and, where possible, inland waterways, except where specific geographic or significant physical constraints prevent such connection.
  2. Any maritime port of the comprehensive network that serves freight traffic offers at least one multimodal freight terminal which is open to all operators and users in a non-discriminatory way and which applies transparent and non-discriminatory charges.
  3. Sea canals, port fairways and estuaries connect to seas, or provide access from the sea to maritime ports and connect at least to inland waterways that meet the requirements of Article 22.
  4. Maritime ports of the comprehensive network connected to inland waterways are equipped with dedicated handling capacity for inland waterway vessels.

In the coming weeks, FEPORT members will analyze the proposed text before starting constructive discussions with representatives of the EU institutions on some provisions and the ways and means to enhance them.