28-29 November 2023


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FEPORT Secretary General, Ms Lamia Kerdjoudj has been invited to speak at les Assises de l’Economie de la Mer, an outstanding event which gathers more than 2000 participants from the private and public maritime cluster.

The President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron provided his vision regarding the sector and in particular his thoughts on how the maritime ecosystem can serve the French and European sovereignty. Many speakers representing different sectors also shared their views on how power can strengthen sovereignty.  

"Power entails a continuity in the efforts, a consistency in the policies and a real integration of all actors of the ecosystem upstream and downstream shipping and ports. Power materialises at sea and on shore through infrastructures and logistics, academic and scientific research” said FEPORT Secretary General.

Power is boosted by the competitiveness of all actors, French and European ones. It consolidates sovereignty and perpetuates it. However, to better prepare for the future, lessons from the recent and  older past must be drawn. This is the best guarantee to strengthen the position of France and the EU” added Ms Lamia Kerdjoudj

“Intra-EU Competition has been for too long an obsession concerning ports but the level playing field within the maritime logistics chain has often been neglected by EU regulators. It would be also important that competitiveness of the maritime ecosystem including ports becomes a priority at EU level and that competition with non-EU neighbours is on the radar of policy makers when proposing pieces of legislation” concluded FEPORT Secretary General.