30 November 2023


On the 30th of November, FEPORT participated to the 64th plenary session of the Trade Contact Group meeting held in a hybrid format online and at Centre Albert Borschette in Brussels.

An important part of the agenda focused on the UCC reform and the business representatives present were given the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the content of the proposal of the Commission.

One agenda item focused specifically on temporary storage and maritime aspects of the proposal. FEPORT is deeply concerned by the proposal’s provisions on temporary storage as the time reduction from 90 to 3-6 days is expected to negatively impact the fluidity of logistics chains, present operational challenges in ports while leading to an increase in administrative and IT costs for terminal operators.

During the meeting, DG TAXUD also gave a presentation about the European Ports Alliance: a public-private partnership to be set up with the aim of combatting drug trafficking and organized crime in EU logistics hubs.