08 December 2023


On the 8th of December, the Spanish Presidency and the MEPs reached a provisional political agreement to boost renewable and low-carbon gases, including hydrogen, on the EU gas market. Aligned with the objectives of the European Green Deal and the 'fit for 55' package, the proposal aims to support the decarbonisation of the energy sector by increasing the production and integration of renewable gases and hydrogen into EU energy networks.

The regulation encourages natural gas infrastructure to integrate a higher share of hydrogen and renewable gases, offering tariff discounts. It promotes EU collaboration on gas quality, storage, and addresses climate change while securing gas supply.

Moreover, MEPs secured a joint purchasing system for gas, which will aggregate demand to prevent Member States from competing against each other when bidding for gas and initiated a voluntary system supporting hydrogen market development for five years.

MEPs advocated for strengthening measures to boost investment in new infrastructure for hydrogen, in particular in coal regions, to facilitate the just transition of these regions and encourage the switch to biomethane and green hydrogen.