Brussels, 27 September 2021
On the 27th of September, FEPORT attended the virtual CEF Transport Information Day organized by the Commission to cover the priorities and main aspects of the 2021 CEF Transport call and its evaluation and award process, and to give advice on how to prepare and submit a successful proposal.
The CEF budget for the period 2021-2027 will amount to € 25,8 billion and its policy objectives are:
- Contribute to the objectives of the Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.
- Contribute to the development of the TEN-T, including adaptation of parts of it for civilian-defense dual use.
- At least 60% of the financial envelope will be dedicated to the Union´s climate targets
The CEF work program 2021-2023 budget will be € 18,2 billion. It will be frontloading 70% of the CEF budget, which will be allocated in the period 2021-2023 through:
- 3 calls for proposals of € 5.5 billion each in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
- A 3-year rolling call for the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility of € 1.5 billion (5 deadlines, every 6 months).
- € 200 million for technical assistance actions.
For a project to be eligible, the following conditions are required:
- Climate tracking: Climate tracking of CEF expenditures will be done by topic. The methodology should be consistent with other EU programs. No action is required from applicants.
- Climate proofing: Proofing of climate impact mitigation and adaptation is required for all projects subject to an IEA. It is recommended to use the Technical Guidance on the climate proofing of infrastructure in the period 2021-2027 (Official Journal of the European Union, C 373, 16 September 2021).
- Mitigation measures: Activities relating to the mitigation of environmental impact and the preservation of biodiversity are eligible. Examples: reforestation, ecoducts, noise protection barriers…
- Synergetic elements: Energy or digital investments (beyond what is covered in the calls) are eligible within a limit of 20% of the eligible costs, provided that they improve the socio-economic, climate or environmental benefits of the project. Example: on-site renewable energy generation.
Regarding the maritime and inland waterway cluster, the Commission will support maritime port’s projects on the Core and Comprehensive Networks that have as objective:
- The facilitation of port access.
- The construction of basic port infrastructure with a priority on:
- development of zero- or low emission multimodal solutions;
- development of capacity and facility linked to offshore wind farms;
- improving the connectivity of remote, insular and outermost regions, or of Member States with no land border with another Member State.
- Shore-side electricity supply.
- Port reception facilities for waste from ships.
- Ensuring year-round navigability.
- Rail/road connections within the port.
In the context of the European Maritime Single Window environment, actions aiming at adapting Maritime National Single Windows to the new legal requirements and at integrating the harmonized interfaces into the Maritime National Single Windows will be supported.
Concerning Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information Systems (VTMIS), the Commission will support actions involved in:
- VHF Data Exchange System (VDES).
- Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) - Future monitoring and communication needs for the enhanced surveillance of autonomous ships and shipping (MASS).
- Mandatory Reporting Systems (MRS) - additional features related to “ship to shore” communication such as. reusing data, reporting only once etc.
Finally, regarding Motorways of the Sea, the actions to be supported are the following:
- Upgrade of port infrastructure, hinterland connections and dedicated terminals, where required to establish or expand SSS links. At least one Core network port of a MS and another Core or Comprehensive Network of another MS has to be involved in such actions.
- Actions facilitating SSS which are not linked to a specific port, for instance ICT platforms, ice-breaking or actions ensuring year-round navigability.